Opinion: Europe’s mistakes in Libya

This report by Federica Saini Fasanotti from GIS Reports Online discusses the mistakes made by European countries in their approach to the Libyan crisis. It highlights Europe’s failure to form a united strategy, as individual nations pursued their interests, leading to an intensification of the conflict. The report argues that Europe’s disunity has allowed external players, such as Russia and Turkey, to increase their influence in Libya, further complicating the situation.

The report also mentions Europe’s inadequate response to the migration crisis originating from Libya. Instead of addressing the root causes, European countries have focused on stopping migrants from crossing the Mediterranean, which has led to human rights abuses and increased instability in Libya. Additionally, the report asserts that Europe’s arms embargo on Libya has been ineffective, as weapons continue to flow into the country, fueling the conflict.

In conclusion, the report suggests that European nations must work together to develop a cohesive strategy to address the Libyan crisis. This includes addressing the root causes of migration, implementing a more effective arms embargo, and fostering a political solution that takes into account the interests of all Libyan factions. By adopting a unified approach, Europe can play a more constructive role in stabilizing Libya and securing its own interests in the region.

Congressional Research Report to Congress on Libya and U.S. Policy

Successive U.S. Administrations have sought to prevent Libya from serving as a permissive environment for transnational terrorist groups and have taken different approaches to conflict and competition among Libyans. The Biden Administration supports the holding of new elections in Libya and has used U.S. influence to bolster U.N.-led mediation efforts to that end. Congress has appropriated funds to enable U.S. diplomacy and aid programs, and some Members have called for more assertive U.S. engagement. The postponement of planned elections in 2021, Libyans’ continuing lack of consensus over constitutional and legal arrangements, the potential fragility of a United Nations (U.N.)-backed ceasefire, and the re-emergence of institutional rivalry are prolonging Libya’s instability and pose challenges for U.S. decisionmakers. Read more from the US Naval Institute.

US 2022 Fiscal Transparency Report: Libya

Internal political divisions continue to prevent the government from implementing regular budget processes, which adversely affected fiscal transparency and the country’s operations. Audit reports for large state-owned enterprises and information regarding expenditures to support executive offices were not publicly available. Libya does not yet fully use internationally accepted accounting principles. The supreme audit institution did not meet international standards of independence. It may have audited some of the government’s accounts but did not make any public reports available within a reasonable period. The government specified in law or regulation and generally appeared to follow in practice the criteria and procedures for awarding natural resource extraction contracts and licenses. Basic information on natural resource extraction awards was public. Read more from the US State Department.